#Chevy Chase DC Acupunture #Gellman Acupuncture #Washington DC Acupunture

Blue Cross/Blue Shield Patients:

Gellman Acupuncture is an in-network provider with most BlueCross/BlueShield (BCBS) policies.  If you are a BCBS, Carefirst or Anthem insurance policy holder, let our office manager check to see if your particular policy covers acupuncture. If your policy has coverage and you have met your deductible you should only be responsible for a co-pay at the time of your treatment.

All Other Insurance Companies:

If your health insurance is provided by any company other than BlueCross, you’ll pay in full at the time of the treatment and we will provide you with the proper documentation for you to submit to your insurance company. Your insurance company will reimburse you directly for whatever amount they determine is covered by your policy.


Pricing for Non-Insurance/Self Pay Acupuncture Patients

$190 - Self Pay Acupuncture Initial Consultation + First Acupuncture Treatment (1.5 hour session)

$140 - Self Pay Acupuncture Followup Treatments  (1 hour session)

Therapeutic Cupping - not covered by insurance. Self-pay only.

$25 -   Therapeutic cupping as add on to an acupuncture treatment (by patient request)

$120 - Full Therapeutic Cupping Session (30 minutes)

Flex Spending Account (FSAs) or Health Savings Accounts (HSAs):

GOOD NEWS! If you have an FSA (Flexible Spending Account) or an HSA (Health Savings Account), Acupuncture is a health service that is typically covered. Use your FSA credit card to pay for your treatment, or simply submit the receipt to your FSA/HSA for processing. And if you're using an FSA, come in for acupuncture treatment before your annual benefits expire!

Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation:

Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation (not covered by insurance)

Free - Discovery Call - Learn more and find out if it’s right for you (15 minutes)

$220 - Initial Consultation + First Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation

$170 - Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation Follow-ups

$750 - Package of 5 Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation Follow-ups ($100 savings)

QiGong and Tai Chi Sessions:

Private One-on-One: $150 for 1 hour

Group Sessions: Contact Robin for details.

Important Notes:

  • Health insurance will not cover facial rejuvenation treatments.

  • For those with insurance policies that cover Acupuncture, treatments count towards your annual deductible.

  • If you have any questions about payment options or billing, please e-mail us directly: Robin@GellmanAcupuncture.com

Contact Robin to discuss your treatment needs.

BlueCross members only: please submit this form to verify your acupuncture insurance coverage now:

Gellman Acupuncture - Washington DC Acupuncture - Pain Reduction - Facial Rejuvenation - Prevention & Wellness - Chevy Chase - Bethesda - Tenleytown Acupuncture - Washington DC Acupuncture